The Young Democrats of Chicago Announce Their Founding

Chicago The following is a statement from Young Democrats of Chicago President Arielle Maffei on the founding of the YDC:

With the pivotal 2022 elections coming up, and young people being more important to the Democratic Party than ever before, we are proud to announce the founding of the Young Democrats of Chicago. Our organization’s mission is to represent Young People to the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party to Young People, bringing not just victories for progressive officials up and down the ballot, but also building the next generation of leaders in our neighborhoods, our communities, and our city. That’s why we invite you to join us at our Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, September 21st from 5:30 to 7:30, to learn more about our organization and how we plan to build youth political power in Chicago. Follow our page to stay up to date and get the latest details on our meetings, our events, and our organization.


YDC President Maffei’s statement on the structure of the Young Democrats of Chicago